

Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor. It is used the treatment of conditions like breast cancer in women after menopause.

SKU: 235

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Batch Expiry Date: March 2027
Arimidex 1 mg
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$9.22 Per Pill
Drug Uses

Arimidex is a medicine used in treating breast cancer in women after menopause and it serves by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase in the adrenal glands that produce the estrogens (estradiol and estrone) and thereby reduces their levels.


Listen and follow the instructions of your medical practitioner, also read the label on the medicine. Consume Arimidix after a meal to avoid stomach aches. Do not break the course of the medication without asking your specialist.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Arimidex includes in the aromatase inhibitor group.

Missed Dose

Do not miss any dose while on treatment using Arimidex. If you miss a dose accidentally try to consume it within the time frame allotted to that particular medication. There should be at least 4 to 5 hours of the interval before taking the next dose. If this is not possible skip the dose and continue with the subsequent one.


Never expose the medicine to light heat or moisture. 

Keep it away from children and animals.

Store in room temperature only (refer the label)


Contact the nearest hospital if you think you consumed extra doses.
Arimidex may raise the risk of getting dizziness or drowsiness. This risk greatly grows if you combine it with alcoholic beverages. So please avoid them while on the medication Arimidex. Also, avoid partaking in any activities which need mental alertness like driving.

You are encouraged to use a non-hormonal method of birth control if you are a woman able to become pregnant as Arimidex has been proved to cause harm to the human fetus.

Ask your doctor if Arimidex is safe for you if you are a breastfeeding mother.