
Colchicine is a medicine used in the therapy and prevention of pain associated with gouty arthritis.

SKU: 704

Stock status: In stock
Batch Expiry Date: March 2027
Colchicine 0.5 mg
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Drug Uses

Colchicine is applied to heal and prevent pain associated with gouty arthritis. It may also be used in other cases as your doctor deems fit.


Follow the directions of your doctor exactly as he/she suggested. If any point is unclear please read the instructions on the label. Colchicine can be had along with food or can be had alone but consuming lots of water is important. You should not drink grapefruit juice when you are using this medicine.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Colchicine is categorized as an anti-gout agent. It reduces inflammation.

Missed Dose

Do not miss any dose of Colchicine. If you missed any dose, please take it as soon as you remember but it is important to give some time that is at least 4 to 5 hours. If this is not possible please skip the particular dose and continue as usual. Never take two doses at once.


Keep Colchicine within 77 degrees F (25 degrees C). You may also save it within a temperature of 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C) for a short time. Keep it away from small children and pets also keep it in a clean place where heat light or moisture is not spoiling the formulation of the medicine.

Doctors do not recommend Colchicine medication if you are allergic to any component in it or if you have conditions like vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea while utilizing Colchicine for the treatment of a painful attack of gouty arthritis.

Colchicine may raise the danger of getting dizziness or drowsiness when blended with any alcoholic beverages or sleep aids or muscle relaxers. So kindly do not use them. Tasks that require more mental alertness should also be avoided.

There may be laboratory tests to do for the purpose of treatment and for diagnosis.

The drug may produce a false result when testing urine for blood or hemoglobin.

Pregnancy Info
Expecting mothers breastfeeding mothers and women conceiving shouldn't take the medicine without the prior consultation of the doctor.